MoonAss Team Token Plans

Team MoonAss
2 min readJun 23, 2021

MoonAss ($MOASS) is a deflationary, autostaking utility-coin built on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) that allows sending of messages to others via our website

The MoonAss Team has 10,000,000 $MOASS that have been allotted to it. As a team, we have officially decided to ‘put our money where our mouth is’ and send these 10,000,000 $MOASS back-and-fourth between two team wallets.

(1) The MoonAss team will be using our website ( when the UI is complete to send 10,000,000 $MOASS with accompanying messages to another team wallet and posting the messages publicly on our social networking pages. We want to showcase our utility.

And in doing so….

(2) The MoonAss team will REDISTRIBUTE (5%) and BURN (3%) and those 10 million $MOASS because there is an 8% tax on wallet-to-wallet transfers. And we do this not just once — but every day.

And thus….

After the UI is ready, you will receive automatic stalking rewards from the 10,000,000 $MOASS being taxed at 8%

The time for MoonAss is now.

Get Slappin’

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Team MoonAss

MoonAss ($MOASS) is a deflationary, autostaking utility-coin built on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) that allows sending of messages to others via our web3 UI.